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Movie theater, Museum of Contemporary Art of Vojvodina (MSUV).

Friday, 25. 12. 2015. Beginning at 18 pm.


Pip Chodorov, Free Radicals: A History of Experimental Film

Documentary, Biography, 2012. USA, 80:00 min

19:45 h,  Festival experimental opennig: prof. Dragan Živančević

20:00 h, SHORTZ program: Experimental Journey

  1. Leonardo Re, Wasser, Germany/UK, 2014. 10:00 min

  2. Julia Veldman c, Andrej, Netherlands, 2015. 03:15 min

  3. Maxime-Claude L'Écuyer, Zsofika, Quebec, Canada, 2014. 14:55 min

  4. Jose Medina, The Background Man, Spain, 2013. 04:00 min

  5. Miguel López Beraza, Walls, Spain, 2014. 10:00

  6. Stefan Đorđevic, Journey, Serbia, 2013. 04:40 min

  7. Gianni Saponara, Corso Dante, Italy, 2013. 12:00 min

  8. Patrick Schoenmaker, Bingo! Netherlands, 2015. 02:40

Experimantal Journey total time: 61:40 min

Pause 15:00 min

Hall projection /Program Counterpoint:

  1. Patrick Raats, Dog-e, Netherlands, 2014. 03:00 min

  2. Valerie Chang, Pepe Luu, Netherlands, 2014. 04:53 min

21:20 h,  SHORTZ program: Experimental Politics

  1. Przemek Wegrzyn, Security Measures, Poland, 2014. 05:55 min

  2.  Aitor Oñederra, I Said I Would Never Talk About Politics, Spain, 2015. 10:31 min

  3. Srđan Šarović, Syrian Rhapsody, Serbia, 2015. 04:28 min

  4. Lander Camarero, A Serious Comedy, Spain, 2014. 29:59 min

Experimental politics total time: 52:00 min

Saturday, 26.12.2015. Beginning at 18pm.

Movie theater MSUV,


Alexei Dimitriev, short films from Russia

  1. Dubus, 2005. 04:09 min

  2. Abstract, 2009. 03:30 min

  3. Hermeneutics, 2012. 03:15 min

  4. The Shadow of Your Smile, 2014. 03:05 min

Special total time: 13:59 min

SHORTZ program:

Life as an Experiment

  1. Evert de Beijer, Lucy, Netherlands, 2015. 09:00 min

  2. Aldenira, Hooping, Serbia, 2014. 02:00 min

  3.  Jean Seban, Virgile sleeps, Six sketches for a film, France, 2013/15. 22:18 min

  4. Joanne van der Weg, Blindelings, Netherlands, 2014. 02:20 min

  5. Michael Yaroshevsky, Portrait Zero, 2012. 05:21 min

  6. Aleksandra Urosevic, Illusion, Serbia, 2013. 00:45 sec

  7. Katarina Svabic, Tunnels, Montenegro, 2015. 03:26 min

  8.  Iñigo Salaberria, Drifting Light, Spain, 2015. 17:51 min

  9. Job, Joris & Marieke, A Single Life, Netherlands, 2014. 02:18 min

Life as an Experiment total time: 67:00 min

Pause 15:00 min.

Hall projection /Program Counterpoint:

Jan Snoekx, Voltaire,  Belgium/Netherlands, 2015. 11:00 min

19:40 h, SHORTZ program: Burning down the House

  1. Raúl De La Fuente, Minerita, Spain, 2013. 27:00 min

  2. George Todria, Lost Village, Georgia, 2015. 15:33 min

  3. Joern Utkilen, Jord Over Vind, Norway, 2014. 39:00 min

  4. Evelien Lohbeck, Deskloop, Netherlands, 2014. 01:00 min

Burning down the House total time: 82:33 min


Sunday, 27. 12. 2015. Beginning at 18pm.

Multimedia Center, Academy of Arts.


SHORTZ presents: AVIFest, Podgorica, Montenegro

  1. Duško Bošković/Gordana Nikač, Ljubav nas je održala, 2015. 03:33 min

  2.  Todor Gogić, Fukare- Najgori čovek na svijetu, 2015. 09:10 min

  3. Matija Brajović, Ritual- ništa novo pod suncem, 2015. 06:44 min

  4.  Polucija, Pećki Berlin, 2015. 02:40 min

  5. Bard Emancipovani, Kakav smo mi narod, pi! 2015. 06:00 min

AVIFest total time: 28:07 min

SHORTZ program: Experimental ART START


  1. Jelena Gajinović, Smena (15), 2015. AUNS, Serbia,  02:01 min

  2.  Srđan Šarović, Transfer- Disposable Male, 2015. AUNS, Serbia,   02:02 min

  3.  Jelena Rezač, Surveil, 2015. AUNS, Serbia,  0:55 sec

  4.  Petar Savin, Repeticija, 2015. AUNS, Serbia,  1:44 min

  5.  Katarina Kapičić, Stanje 15, 2015. AUNS, Serbia,   02:42 min

  6. Sanja Anđelkovic, Thru width and length, 2015. AUNS, Serbia,   02:50

  7. Jelena Živković, Dementia, FVU, Montenegro, 2015. 04:30

  8. Milica Jokić, 7-12-9-20-3-8, 2015. 02:51 min

  9. Ognjen Petković, Three Points, AUNS, Serbia, 2015, 14:23    


SHORTZ presents: Rekorder, selection 2015.


Rekorder is an arts organization that promotes local and regional video-scene. Participants: Irena Mirkovic, Sava Kesic, Slobodan Vujčić, Luka Marković, Zoran Radulovic, Sava Kesic, Mladen Novakovic, Rade Tepavčević, Dusan Zivic, Natalija Radovanovic, Jovana Čajović and Tibor Varga.

Rekorder total time: 30:00 min.


Program: Musical experiments


  1. Jean Gabriel Périot, If We Ever Have TO Disappear, It Will Be Without Disquiet But We Will Fight Until The End, France, 2014. 15:00 min

  2. Jean-Baptiste Dusséaux, Loran Valdek's False Apperances, France, 2013. 07:38 min

  3. Vukašin Živaljević, Quattro movimenti per quattro viste, 2013, 04:04 min



SHORTZ Performance Night:


  1. Stefan Stojanović (SER) & Nathalie Stirnimann (CH), Live streaming Performance, 2015. 10:00 min

  2. Barbara Jovanović,  Decomposition, interactive video installation, 2015. 01:47 min

  3. In Situ musical performance, Vanguard Tube Rock , MO-duet, Branko Bošković - Drums, vocal, Srđan Šarović - Guitar, vocal, 45:00 min

  4. AV Live, Project 0, Participating artists:  Zoran Radulović, Stefan Jovanović, Tibor Varga. 20:00 min

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